Greetings! I know you’re enjoying the remainder of your weekend, so I’ll try and keep it short, simple and to the point!
As the founder of the Scholarship Center, we are truly invested in your student’s success. We see the numbers daily and the rate of students successfully completing college are dwindling, particularly among minority communities. As noted in a recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the six year graduation for some HBCUs is less than 20% and overall is under 50%. We’re aware that there can be many causes for a low graduation rate, but we know definitively cost is the major contributing factor.
College tuition is extremely expensive these days and many of the college-bound high school seniors and parents we had the pleasure of meeting at the recent HBCU Festival are just discovering this for the first as they prepare to enter this next exciting phase of their lives. This was particularly unfortunate as many had just missed the deadline, just days before, for the up to $30,000.00 Jackie Robinson Scholarship because they simply were not aware that such a scholarship program (with incredible mentoring) existed.
Since the mid-80s, the cost of going to college has been rising faster than the rate of inflation. As a parent, you could have saved every day of your student’s life and still not be able to afford college at today’s tuition rates. There are strategies, however, that can be utilized to combat this reality and using scholarships to pay for college (as opposed to student loans which could bankrupt a student in before they begin their first post-college job), is a very smart alternative. I know professionally and personally it can be done. You may have heard me say that my youngest daughter’s cost of attendance was a whopping $64,000.00 a year and as of today, she has absolutely NO students loans. It’s true. As her mother, I have decided to help her avoid crippling student loan debt that will shackle her for a lifetime. I want better for her. Next to giving her life and love, I believe this is the absolute best thing I can do for her. I’d like to help you do the same for your student.
Nothing about our current political and/or social realities can change without our students getting their education. We need them in the legislatures creating laws and on the judiciary benches interpreting those same laws. We need them in the hospitals as doctors, nurses and administration to help combat illnesses that overwhelming and negatively impact us, and we need them in positions of power in the media to give accurate portrayals of us and things happening to us. We need them advancing technology and we need them running corporations so that corporate structures are sensitive and responsive to our needs. NONE of that happens without students being able to “get to and through” college and their ability to finance their post-secondary education is a major factor. We’re committed to helping you do exactly that.
How do we do that: We bring you and your student scholarships they can actually WIN. We find scholarships that other websites don’t bother to list. We strive to bring your attention to scholarships, internships and other opportunities that will help you and your student make their college dreams a reality without burdensome student loan debt. In this regard, I hope you’ll let us be a dependable partner for you and/or your student’s incredible college journey.